My life story (a work in progress :))

I have been developing web applications and mobile solutions for more than 5 years now. I majored in Computer Science during my undergrad. My numerous internships further made me competent enough to pickup new frameworks in a matter of days. After graduating in the top 5 students of my class, I joined Lochbridge - an Internet-of-Things firm. Developing native (Android) and hybrid (Android and iOS) mobile applications using cutting-edge frameworks further embellished my skill-set. From devising wireframe models to deploying applications, the experience allowed me to acquire a spectrum of system administration, front-end and back-end skills. My background as a software engineer allows me to play around with a plethora of technologies and build end-to-end products tapping into my multi-faceted skills. An early interest in machine learning motivated me to work on several personal projects through the years leveraging techniques like neural nets, sentiment analysis, recommender systems etc. As a Master's student in Computer Science I want to further augment my intuition with the theoretical background necessary for fields like applied machine learning, distributed computing and natural language processing.

My experience

App. Developer at Applied Cognitive Ergonomics Lab

• Created physiological signal detection features for a sensor-focused smart wearable app to monitor therapeutic progress for PTSD patients.
• Implemented a complete machine learning pipeline from data ingestion to model evaluation stage. Trained and deployed models on mobile systems. Analyzed heart-rate data for ≈100 PTSD patients using supervised learning (random forests) and unsupervised learning (DNN).

Graduate Assistant (App Dev.) at Division of Student Affairs, IT

Developed a 3-tiered MVVM web application. Worked across functional and project teams in an Agile environment with a CI process flow.

Student Programmer at Texas A&M Career Closet

Created an MVC web application to manage inventory resources using Ruby on Rails and AngularJS. Followed BDD and TDD techniques in an agile environment featuring product iterations, daily scrums and pair programming. Developed REST API with Rails, integrated JSON Web Token Security, implemented UI modules and deployed the app on Heroku.

Software Engineer at Lochbridge (an IoT subsidiary of DMI)

Resource Scheduling & Productivity

Developed a mobile platform (web and mobile) for resource scheduling and productivity management for IT service teams. Designed UI/UX wireframe models and worked on the app localization module. Modified native Cordova plugins and developed camera integration, push and in-app notification modules. The platform is currently used by a team of over 500 personnel for tracking resources, people, tasks and expenses


Developed a digital parenting platform (mobile application and dashboard) for DijiWise (client). Conducted sentiment analysis on real-time unstructured data streams from the Twitter Streaming API. Used MongoDB for data storage and leveraged techniques like SVM and VADER for sentiment analysis. Created a real-time data reporting and analytics dashboard for the parents.

Sofware Engineering Internships

Wipro Info Tech

Worked on the Service Delivery Platform (SDP) Operations Platform overseeing the delivery of content for WAP, SMS and MMS content and developing value added services with service life-cycle management

Computer Sciences Corporation

Built a System Architecture Generation Tool based on ASP.NET to generate an architecture diagram based on user data. Used ADO.NET for data handling operations and Web Forms to input data and Excel Sheets

Freelance Work

Sofware Developer at Iwynoworks, Austin

Collaborated in a 3 person team that developed an ML based book recommender system targeted at early/young readers. The platform leverages knowledge of leveled books read by children to infer their reading prowess. Additionally, the platform automatically estimates the level of unleveled books by correlatingreading patterns ofreaders inthe same cohort. The application aims at identifying books encouraging each reader to gradually progress their reading abilities and create better readers

Freelance Developer at Gozocabs, India

Developed a how-am-I-driving/report-a-driver platform based on the Actions on Google framework for Google Assistant/Smart Home. This is being utilized by GozoCabs for crowd sourcing driving quality data for their fleet of over 25k drivers and vehicles. The collected data is analyzed to produce a composite driving performance/safety score